Most pages of the website will be detail pages.
Purpose of detail pages
A detail page explains a topic in detail. All relevant information for the user is brought together on this page.
The detail page templates most relevant for the authors are:
T003-8-1 | Generic content page with right column | This is the default template for detail pages. Use it when you need to display continuous text. Excep-tion: Your content runs over the full width of the page and there is no related content (right column) to display (e.g. doctor list on team pages) – then use T003-8-2 |
T003-8-2 | Generic content page full width | Especially for displaying lists (e.g. doctor list, teams) and forms. Use it when you have no related con-tent to display. |
Content guidelines
- Always write for the user, not for internal use
- The most important topic/information must be displayed first
- Make the point quickly within a text ( talk about the real topic directly and guide the user to the main CTA of the respective page)
- Do not use run-on text without structuring
- The main call to action (CTA) of a page must be clearly defined and be obvious for the user
- Therefore, the CTA belongs into the main content area, not into the right column (Service Column). Exception: when the goal of the page is just to provide the user with information
- Only put relevant links within a text, otherwise keep the user "in the flow" and on the page and quickly guide them to the main CTA
- There is only one h1 headline. All other headlines within a page will be sub headlines (h2, h3)
- Pictures used within running text on detail pages must have a direct connection to their context (meaning to the content of the page – so do not use mood pictures on detail pages)
- Teasers can only be used in the right column.